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- /*
- * POP2 Client routines. Originally authored by Mike Stockett
- * (WA7DYX).
- * Modified 12 May 1991 by Mark Edwards (WA6SMN) to use new timer
- * facilities in NOS0423. Fixed type mismatches spotted by C++.
- * Modified 27 May 1990 by Allen Gwinn (N5CKP) for compatibility
- * with later releases (NOS0522).
- * Added into NOS by PA0GRI (and linted into "standard" C)
- *
- * Some code culled from previous releases of SMTP.
- *
- * Client routines for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ala RFC821
- * A.D. Barksdale Garbee II, aka Bdale, N3EUA
- * Copyright 1986 Bdale Garbee, All Rights Reserved.
- * Permission granted for non-commercial copying and use, provided
- * this notice is retained.
- * Modified 14 June 1987 by P. Karn for symbolic target addresses,
- * also rebuilt locking mechanism
- * Copyright 1987 1988 David Trulli, All Rights Reserved.
- * Permission granted for non-commercial copying and use, provided
- * this notice is retained.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #ifdef UNIX
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <dir.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #endif
- #include "global.h"
- #ifdef ANSIPROTO
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #endif
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "cmdparse.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "dirutil.h"
- #include "files.h"
- #include "commands.h"
- extern char Badhost[];
- #define BUF_LEN 257
- /* POP client control block */
- struct pop_ccb {
- FILE *network; /* Network stream for this connection */
- char state; /* client state */
- #define CALL 0
- #define NMBR 3
- #define SIZE 5
- #define XFER 8
- #define EXIT 10
- char buf[BUF_LEN], /* tcp input buffer */
- count; /* input buffer length */
- int folder_len; /* number of msgs in current folder */
- long msg_len; /* length of current msg */
- int msg_num; /* current message number */
- } *ccb;
- #define NULLCCB (struct pop_ccb *)0
- static int Popquiet = 0;
- static struct timer popcli_t;
- static int32 mailhost;
- static char mailbox_name[10],
- mailbox_pathname[BUF_LEN],
- username[20],
- password[20],
- Workfile_name[] ="mbox.pop";
- static int domailbox __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int domailhost __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int douserdata __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int doquiet __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int dotimer __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static struct pop_ccb *new_ccb __ARGS((void));
- static void delete_ccb __ARGS((void));
- static void pop_send __ARGS((int unused,void *cb1,void *p));
- static int popkick __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- /* I don't know why this isn't static, it isn't called anywhere else {was} */
- int poptick __ARGS((void));
- static struct cmds Popcmds[] = {
- "mailbox", domailbox, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- "mailhost", domailhost, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- "kick", popkick, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- "quiet", doquiet, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- "timer", dotimer, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- "userdata", douserdata, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- };
- /* Command string specifications */
- static char ackd_cmd[] = "ACKD\n",
- #ifdef POP_FOLDERS
- fold_cmd[] = "FOLD %s\n",
- #endif
- login_cmd[] = "HELO %s %s\n",
- /* nack_cmd[] = "NACK\n", /* Not implemented */
- quit_cmd[] = "QUIT\n",
- read_cur_cmd[] = "READ\n",
- retr_cmd[] = "RETR\n";
- /* Response string keys */
- static char *greeting_rsp = "+ POP2 ";
- FILE *fd;
- #define NULLFILE (FILE *)0
- int
- dopop(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- return subcmd(Popcmds,argc,argv,p);
- }
- static int
- domailbox(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- if(argc < 2) {
- if(mailbox_name[0] == '\0')
- printf("maibox name not set yet\n");
- else
- printf("%s\n",mailbox_name);
- } else {
- strncpy(mailbox_name,argv[1],10);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- domailhost(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- int32 n;
- if(argc < 2) {
- printf("%s\n",inet_ntoa(mailhost));
- } else
- if((n = resolve(argv[1])) == 0) {
- printf(Badhost,argv[1]);
- return 1;
- } else
- mailhost = n;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- doquiet(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- return setbool(&Popquiet,"POP quiet",argc,argv);
- }
- static int
- douserdata(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- if (argc < 2)
- printf("%s\n",username);
- else if (argc != 3) {
- printf("Usage: pop userdata <username> <password>\n");
- return 1;
- } else {
- sscanf(argv[1],"%18s",username);
- sscanf(argv[2],"%18s",password);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Set scan interval */
- static int
- dotimer(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- if(argc < 2) {
- printf("%lu/%lu\n",
- read_timer(&popcli_t) /1000L,
- dur_timer(&popcli_t)/ 1000L);
- return 0;
- }
- popcli_t.func = (void (*)())poptick; /* what to call on timeout */
- popcli_t.arg = NULL; /* dummy value */
- set_timer(&popcli_t, atol(argv[1])*1000L); /* set timer duration */
- start_timer(&popcli_t); /* and fire it up */
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- popkick(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- poptick();
- return 0;
- }
- int
- poptick()
- {
- if (ccb == NULLCCB) {
- /* Don't start if any of the required parameters have not been specified */
- if (mailhost == 0) {
- printf("mailhost not defined yet.(pop mailhost <host>)\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (mailbox_name[0] == '\0') {
- printf("mailbox name not defined yet.(pop mailbox <name>)\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (username[0] == '\0') {
- printf("username not defined yet. (pop user <name> <pass>)\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (password[0] == '\0') {
- printf(" Unknown password\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if ((ccb = new_ccb()) == NULLCCB) {
- fprintf(stderr,"*** Unable to allocate CCB");
- return 0;
- }
- newproc("Auto-POP Client",1024,pop_send,0,ccb,NULL,0);
- }
- /* Restart timer */
- start_timer(&popcli_t);
- return 0;
- }
- /* this is the master state machine that handles a single SMTP transaction */
- /* it is called with a queue of jobs for a particular host. */
- static void
- pop_send(unused,cb1,p)
- int unused;
- void *cb1;
- void *p;
- {
- char *cp;
- struct sockaddr_in fsocket;
- struct pop_ccb *ccb;
- void pop_csm(struct pop_ccb *);
- void quit_session(struct pop_ccb *);
- int s;
- ccb = (struct pop_ccb *)cb1;
- fsocket.sin_family = AF_INET;
- fsocket.sin_addr.s_addr = mailhost;
- fsocket.sin_port = IPPORT_POP;
- s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
- ccb->state = CALL;
- if (connect(s,(char *)&fsocket,SOCKSIZE) == 0) {
- log(s,"Connected to mailhost %s", inet_ntoa(mailhost));
- ccb->network = fdopen(s,"r+t");
- } else {
- cp = sockerr(s);
- log(s,"Connect to mailhost %s failed: %s", inet_ntoa(mailhost),
- (cp != NULLCHAR)? cp: "");
- }
- while(1) {
- if (fgets(ccb->buf,BUF_LEN,ccb->network) == NULLCHAR)
- goto quit;
- rip(ccb->buf);
- pop_csm(ccb);
- if (ccb->state == EXIT)
- goto quit;
- }
- quit:
- log(s,"Connection closed to mailhost %s", inet_ntoa(mailhost));
- fclose(ccb->network);
- if (fd != NULLFILE)
- fclose(fd);
- delete_ccb();
- }
- /* free the message struct and data */
- static void
- delete_ccb()
- {
- if (ccb == NULLCCB)
- return;
- free((char *)ccb);
- ccb = NULLCCB;
- }
- /* create a new pop control block */
- static struct
- pop_ccb *new_ccb()
- {
- register struct pop_ccb *ccb;
- if ((ccb = (struct pop_ccb *) callocw(1,sizeof(struct pop_ccb))) == NULLCCB)
- return(NULLCCB);
- return(ccb);
- }
- /* ---------------------- pop client code starts here --------------------- */
- void
- pop_csm(ccb)
- struct pop_ccb *ccb;
- {
- FILE *mf;
- int mlock (char *,char *);
- int rmlock (char * ,char *);
- void quit_session(struct pop_ccb *);
- /* int mlock __ARGS((char *dir,char *id)); */
- /* int rmlock __ARGS((char *dir,char *id)); */
- switch(ccb->state) {
- case CALL:
- if (strncmp(ccb->buf,greeting_rsp,strlen(greeting_rsp)) == 0) {
- fprintf(ccb->network,login_cmd,username,password);
- ccb->state = NMBR;
- } else
- (void) quit_session(ccb);
- break;
- case NMBR:
- switch (ccb->buf[0]) {
- case '#':
- if ((fd = fopen(Workfile_name,"a+")) == NULLFILE) {
- perror("Unable to open work file");
- quit_session(ccb);
- return;
- }
- fseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET);
- ccb->folder_len = atoi(&(ccb->buf[1]));
- fprintf(ccb->network,read_cur_cmd);
- ccb->state = SIZE;
- break;
- case '+':
- /* If there is no mail (the only time we get a "+"
- * response back at this stage of the game),
- * then just close out the connection, because
- * there is nothing more to do!! */
- default:
- quit_session(ccb);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case SIZE:
- if (ccb->buf[0] == '=') {
- ccb->msg_len = atol(&(ccb->buf[1]));
- if (ccb->msg_len > 0) {
- fprintf(ccb->network,retr_cmd);
- ccb->state = XFER;
- } else {
- log(fileno(ccb->network),"POP client retrieved %d messages",
- ccb->folder_len);
- /* All done, so do local cleanup */
- if (mlock(Mailspool,mailbox_name)) {
- printf("\n*** Local mailbox locked, new mail in file %s\n",
- Workfile_name);
- quit_session(ccb);
- return;
- }
- sprintf(mailbox_pathname,"%s/%s.txt",Mailspool,
- mailbox_name);
- if ((mf = fopen(mailbox_pathname,"a+")) == NULL) {
- printf("\n*** Unable to open local mailbox, new mail in file %s\n",
- Workfile_name);
- quit_session(ccb);
- return;
- }
- fseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET);
- while (!feof(fd)) {
- if(fgets(ccb->buf,BUF_LEN,fd) != NULLCHAR) {
- fputs(ccb->buf,mf);
- }
- }
- fclose(mf);
- fclose(fd);
- fd = NULL;
- printf("New mail arrived for %s from mailhost <%s>%c\n",
- mailbox_name, inet_ntoa(mailhost),
- Popquiet ? ' ' : '\007');
- rmlock(Mailspool,mailbox_name);
- unlink(Workfile_name);
- quit_session(ccb);
- }
- } else
- quit_session(ccb);
- break;
- case XFER:
- fprintf(fd,"%s\n",ccb->buf);
- ccb->msg_len -= (long)(strlen(ccb->buf)+2); /* Add CRLF */
- if (ccb->msg_len > 0)
- return;
- fprintf(ccb->network,ackd_cmd);
- ccb->msg_num++;
- ccb->state = SIZE;
- break;
- case EXIT:
- if (fd != NULLFILE)
- fclose(fd);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- void
- quit_session(ccb)
- struct pop_ccb *ccb;
- {
- fprintf(ccb->network,quit_cmd);
- ccb->state = EXIT;
- }